Superintendent/Quality Control Manager


Has 18 years of experience in the construction industry overseeing federal, commercial, industrial, and residential projects.


  • Superintendent
  • Quality Control Manager



Position: Quality Control Manager

Responsibilities & Scope: 

Consisted of clearing and grubbing, stripping, semi-compacted containment dike construction, demolition of existing drop-outlet structure, construction of new drop-outlet structure, lime-fly-ash, vinyl sheet piles, excavation and turf establishment.


Position: Quality Control Manager/Superintendent

Responsibilities & Scope: 

Included removal and replacement of the existing air handlers/resistance heating elements and remote condensers with eight (8) water cooled 100% outside air heat pump units with integral hot gas reheat coil and two (2) water cooled single zone heat pump units with integral electric heat; replacement of existing electric duct heaters with new duct heaters; removal of the refrigerant line sets and removal all existing controls & wiring to the condensing units and indoor air handlers, installation of new supply air and return air ducting as required to re-connect the new air handling units to the existing ductwork.


Position: Superintendent

Responsibilities & Scope: 

Consisted of design/build of the main sewer outfall for Main Post at White Sands Missile Range which involved installing 17,000 linear feet of new 18” SDR 26 sewer main, 38- concrete manholes, asphalt removal/ restoration, concrete removal/ restoration, dirt dike installation and riprap placement.


Position: Superintendent

Responsibilities & Scope: 

Consisted of repairing the arroyo channel, raising the existing levee to a higher elevation, and armoring the flood side of the levee with 30,000 tons of riprap.





AA in Blueprint/HVAC


USACE Quality Control Manager, Certified Red Cross First-Aid/CPR, Competent Person for Fall Protection Training, OSHA 30, Bloodborne Pathogen Training, Erosion & Sediment Control Certification, Confined Space Training, Excavation, Trenching, & Soil Mechanics Training for Competent Person, HVAC Journeyman License

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